More menswear!
The following images are featured in reverse chronological order from the years 1960-1962 with a final photo from 1954.

The above editorial reminds me a bit of the Mad Men season 2 poster - and the train scenes from Revolutionary Road:
I know this post is about vintage mens' fashions, but I love the chunky three-stand pearl necklace and wiggle dress on the female model!
I wouldn't mind seeing more modern men in patterned blazers!
He certainly looks to be in the midst of a jaunty number!
A 1961 model dressed like a 2009 hipster dressed like an 1890s dandy (according to the New York Times Style Section, if you want to take their word for it)... A thing like that! And who doesn't love plus-fours?
Is that a Bolex you're holding?

Again, some of my favorite menswear/fashion/lifestyle blogs: (The writing on Dandyism is just as, if not more, substantive than the style tips).
The Brooklyn Circus - video (All of Jesse Thorn's projects are worth a gander, but this is one of my personal favorites. I also highly recommend his non-fashion related podcast The Sound of Young America)